Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Langauge: the power to rise, and destroy a civilisation

Language a power within itself and the essence of what we all know. Yet, how much do we use, develop and require of language, as it is something that is seemingly without the power of an action to determine the action. Within the power of language lies a deeper source of mystery and complication. Al-Qaeda, possibly the most terrifying terrorist organisation of the world wouldn’t have being a fly on the wall if it wasn’t for their actions. They could talk the talk and not worry a person in the world but it was when they walked the walk that they started to strike fear into the hearts of citizens all around the world. With both language and action is what brings about an entirety and in a world such as ours, where computers, mobile phones and technological interaction seems to be the go by words seem to be losing their power, mystique and ability. Posts on websites such as Facebook, Myspace or chat rooms can just be sheer show and mean completely nothing. Now this is where the power of an action comes to the fore, for without an action in this world a word holds no meaning it is simply letters put together. Gone are the days where words held power, where governments controlled nations by power of language and propaganda, where a man’s speech brought about the essence of a movement or development in a countries history. Now all you see is governments seizing control not through the power and creativeness of their language but by the power of their actions, and in most cases actions of absolute chaos and inhumane actions. The governments are still the same, they still are power hungry, they still want more then anyone else in their country but a simple bit of propaganda or speech here or there would not suffice in this world, they need to strike fear into the hearts of their people to gain their lustful objectives. Yet with the brains of everyone turning to “mush” from all the technological deprivation of our brain capacity its not too hard to see the power of language returning to a future generation of zombie citizens who follow as a crowd and have lost all individualistic intentions and desires. Is it too outrageous to perceive that a Hitler-esque figure could arise among the conformity of a nation and give idealistic views and lead with massive speeches, use propaganda and relive the power of language which is all too well known for its negative ability? Yet among our zombie children there may also lay a Shakespeare type character who could recreate an entire scene of artistry and language ensuring the survival of the most defining aspect of man kind, what sets us apart from other mammals.

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